Driving down the road, going home even tho I knew I should have stayed at the
party, maybe have gotten a taxi. Ohh god my head so
fuzzy, Its raining maybe I wont get pulled over, that's the
last thing I need is to spend tomorrows graduation in the drunk tank.
Start to hydroplane, hit the clutch let the tires catch, they dont
I start spinning out of controll, everything goes black. I open
my eyes to see a paramedic, light in the eyes, I try to talk,
nothing, am I paralyzed, everything goes black again, I wake this
time to see my mom over me, she's crying, mom dont cry, but the words
never come out, the doctor reaches to my feet, I try to look, damn cant
move, cant feel either, I see a zipper close over my face, wait no, no
this isn't right, i'm not dead, I'm still here, MOM, MOM,
mom, I....I.... I'm sorry. Everything goes black.
