Have you read our introduction and charter? If you feel that Bard is the right clan for you, the next step is to meet the basic requirements as an in-game character. The Order recommends that you reach a minimum of 100 levels in your first mort before applying. This is to ensure that you have a working knowledge of the structure and flow of gaming in all areas of Aardwolf. More expansive experience of the game is always an asset. You can be of any race and class background; creativity is an unrestricted endeavor for all!
As a neutral clan, the Order of the Bard does not participate in interclan rivalries. We have strict policies regulating combat with other clans. Bards do not PK, raid or compete in clan wars. If you enjoy these sorts of activities, the Order is probably not the right clan for you.
The first step in the application process is to write a note on Personal to Bard telling us about yourself and why you wish to join. In this note, you must submit at least two original pieces of artwork for us to evaluate for talent, quality and potential. For shorter written works, you may post them as a note on Art or include them directly in your application. For longer works, music or visual arts please post a URL to your webpage(s).
If your application and creative works are up to snuff, we’ll confirm that you’re eligible for interview. You need to track down at least two Bards, one of whom is rank Journeyman or higher and have them interview you. Your own proactive approach is key! Expect that we will ask you to describe your unique experiences upon Aardwolf, to your unique interaction with the arts. Keep in mind that the Order finds it most important that you are creative in your own way, whether your strength lies in free-verse, spoken word, painting, design, performance arts, and so on.
As part of the interview process, the Order may also conduct the time-honored tradition of sending the shrewdest applicants on a Trial. This may consist of confronting an NPC or finding an item in one of Aylor’s many areas… but the real test is in constructing a small art piece imparting impressions of the Trial. This is meant to be a fun and novel exercise for both clan members and applicants, and a ready foundation for your time in the clan hall.
Some final pointers: Plagiarism has been and will continue to be heavily frowned upon. There will be high penalties for both member and applicants found guilty of plagiarism, so don’t do it. On a more optimistic note, don’t be afraid to ask questions, whether for clarification regarding the application process or for constructive feedback regarding one of your works. Bards are always excited to be included in the creative process, and we’d love the opportunity to offer encouragement.